Binding social cognition to electrophysiology

Humans love doing things together: we prepare and eat food together; we discuss what to do next together as a group; we play together in teams; we engage in religious and other rituals together. Collective gathering is central to our lives, allowing us to derive meaning and solace from each other.

Our goals are:

1. To understand the neural processes and mechanisms that underpin collective traits through innovative and interdisciplinary research.

2. Create a space for research embracing the creative arts, computer science, engineering, and neuroscience/psychology.

Art Credit: Eruption by Cian McLoughlin


  • Shane O'Mara

    Professor of Experimental Brain Research


    Lab Website:

    Social: (Twitter/Instagram)

    Publications: ‪Shane O’Mara - ‪Google Scholar

  • Alejandro Lopez Valdes

    Assistant Professor Applied Neural Engineering for Brain Health

    My focus is on translational research, particularly with applications in monitoring and influencing different aspects of cognitive function. I have specific interests in sensory integrity, cognitive reserve, neurotechnology, individualized cognition, context-based biomarkers of cognitive function and hyper-scanning of multi-modal electrophysiology.

    My vision is to empower individuals on their brain health journey and provide them, and brain health professionals, with reliable insights into contextualized cognitive function. Brain health is a life-long journey to which we want to help you adapt along the way.

    Lab Website:

    Social: @lovalab_tcd (Twitter/Instagram)

    Publications: ‪Alejandro Lopez - ‪Google Scholar

  • Giovanni Di Liberto

    Assistant Professor in Intelligent Systems

    My research focuses on uncovering the neural foundations of human communication. My team specializes in developing advanced neural data analysis methodologies using machine learning. We apply these methodologies to biosignals (e.g., EEG) and behavioral data to gain deeper insights into human communication, attention, prediction, and other cognitive processes, particularly in realistic task settings. Our studies also have practical applications, including research on early development, aging, and language-related deficits.

    Lab Website:

    Social: @diliberg (Twitter/Bluesky)

    Publications: ‪Giovanni M. Di Liberto - ‪Google Scholar